
Viton Seal Kits

Category: .
Can be used in all « C » and « RH » series cylinders as well as the P12, P55, P59, P157/P159, P157D/P159D and P300/P300D series of hand pumps.

Order No. Use With Model
300472 P23, P55 All
300507 P12 All
300508 P157, P159, P300 A
300508 P157D, P159D, P300D A
300510 P59 All
300690 P157, P159 B
300693 P157D, P159D B
300696 P300 B
300699 P300D B
Can be used in all “C” and “RH” series cylinders as well as the P12, P55, P59, P157/P159, P157D/P159D and P300/P300D series of hand pumps. These seals are required when fire resistant hydraulic fluids are used. Not required with Flame-Out® fluid.

* Viton is E.I. duPont De Nemours & Co., Inc., trade name.


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